There are 2 ways to access iCloud documents from Docs To Go.

The first way is to just tap on iCloud in the Cloud tab in Docs To Go. There you will see any files that you saved to iCloud from Docs To Go.

However, if you have files that you saved to iCloud that WERE NOT put there by Docs To Go, you have to use a different method. This method is called the Document Converter.

To use the Document Converter do this:

1. In the Cloud tab, instead of tapping on iCloud, tap on the document converter icon (the icon that looks like a puzzle piece in the upper right corner).
2. When you see Browse, tap on iCloud
3. That will take you to ALL your files stored in your iCloud.
4. You can then open the files in Docs To Go, regardless of how they got to your iCloud account.

To save files that are currently in the Phone tab to iCloud, you can just do a Save As, and then change where you are saving them from Phone to Cloud under Select Folder. If you do this, they will be saved to the Docs To Go Premium folder in iCloud.

If you want to save them to somewhere OTHER THAN the Docs To Go folder in iCloud, use Export To from the menu in Docs To Go rather than Save As.